Beta Access

For the past 6 months, our team has been working hard to create a tool with a simple goal in mind:

To help YOU maximize the ROI of your content.

Our tool will quickly help you get more traffic (and $$$) out of your existing content

…and will identify keywords that you have a high likelihood of ranking for (in Google).

Pretty cool, right?  Sign up for beta here:


If you want to know a little bit more info before signing up…

…here are a few specific features we are working on:

#1: WP Agnostic

This means you can test titles on any and every site/post that you have (includes WP CPTs).

#2: Reveal Low CTR-Opportunities

Easy increase traffic by identifying posts that rank well, but have an abnormally low CTR.

#3: Reveal Title’s Missing Keywords

Reveals keywords your competition uses to help you rank for more keywords (without needing to create new content)


For a (very) limited time only…

…we are opening beta access to a few early adopters.


Apply for access using the form above.